- Categories:Company news
- Time of issue:2018-06-01 09:44
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(Summary description)ThecompanyhassuccessfullypassedtheISO9001standardinthenearfuture. First,theimplementationofISO9001standardisconducivetoimprovingproductquality. AccordingtotheISO9001standard,thequalitymanagementsystem
(Summary description)ThecompanyhassuccessfullypassedtheISO9001standardinthenearfuture. First,theimplementationofISO9001standardisconducivetoimprovingproductquality. AccordingtotheISO9001standard,thequalitymanagementsystem
- Categories:Company news
- Time of issue:2018-06-01 09:44
- Views:
The company has successfully passed the ISO9001 standard in the near future.
First, the implementation of ISO9001 standard is conducive to improving product quality.
According to the ISO9001 standard, the quality management system is established. Through the effective application of the system, the enterprise can improve the product and process continuously, and achieve the stability and improvement of the quality of the product.
Two, ISO9001 improve enterprise management ability
ISO9001 standards encourage enterprises to adopt process methods in the formulation and implementation of quality management systems, by identifying and managing interrelated activities, as well as the systematic management and continuous monitoring and control of these activities to realize the products that customers can accept. In addition, the quality management system provides a framework for continuous improvement to increase the degree of satisfaction of customers and other interested parties. Therefore, the ISO9001 standard provides an effective way to effectively improve the management capabilities of enterprises and enhance market competitiveness.
Three, it is conducive to enhancing the competitiveness of international trade and eliminating technical barriers.
In international economic and technical cooperation, the ISO9001 standard is regarded as a mutually recognized technical basis, and the quality management system certification system of ISO9001 is also recognized in the international scope, and is included in the procedure of conformity assessment.